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Bản mẫu:Infobox restaurant/doc

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[sửa mã nguồn]
Lỗi Lua trong Mô_đun:Mapframe tại dòng 384: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'lat_d' (a nil value).
Thông tin nhà hàng
Thành lập{{{established}}}
Đóng cửa{{{closed}}}
Chủ hiện nay{{{current-owner}}}
Chủ trước đây{{{previous-owner}}}
Quản lý{{{manager}}}
Đầu bếp chính{{{head-chef}}}
Đầu bếp{{{chef}}}
Đầu bếp bánh ngọt{{{pastry-chef}}}
Loại thức ăn{{{food-type}}}
Trang phục quy định{{{dress-code}}}
Đánh giá{{{rating}}}
Địa chỉ{{{street-address}}}
Thành phố{{{city}}}
Mã bưu chính/ZIP{{{zip}}}
Quốc gia{{{country}}}
Toạ độ0°00′00″B 79°23′42″T / 0,0001°B 79,395°T / 0.0001; -79.3950
Lượng chỗ ngồi{{{seating-capacity}}}
Đặt chỗ{{{reservations}}}
Các địa điểm khác{{{other-locations}}}
Thông tin khác{{{other-information}}}
Trang web{{{website}}}
{{Infobox restaurant
| embed               = 
| name                = <!-- Leave blank if embed set to yes -->
| title               = <!-- If embedding use this for secondary small font title -->
| logo                = 
| logo_width          = 
| logo_alt            = 
| image               = 
| image_width         = 
| image_alt           = 
| image_caption       = 
| mapframe            = <!-- Set to yes to show a mapframe map -->
| pushpin_map         = <!-- Requires {{para|coordinates}} -->
| map_alt             = 
| map_caption         = 
| map_size            = 
| established         = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| closed              = <!-- {{End date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| current-owner       = 
| previous-owner      = 
| manager             = 
| head-chef           = 
| chef                = 
| pastry-chef         = 
| food-type           = 
| dress-code          = 
| rating              = 
| street-address      = 
| city                = 
| county              = 
| state               = 
| postcode            = <!-- or |zip= -->
| country             = 
| coordinates         = <!-- {{coord|latitude|longitude|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
| seating-capacity    = 
| reservations        = 
| other-locations     = 
| other-information   = <!-- or |other-label= -->
| website             = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->


[sửa mã nguồn]
Field Description
name Name of restaurant (required)
logo Restaurant's logo
logo_width Size of logo
logo_alt Alt text for logo
image Restaurant image
image_width Size of image
image_alt Alt text for image
image_caption Caption
pushpin_map Name of a location map (see #Map and coordinates). Requires |coordinates= to display a map.
map_alt Alt text for the pushpin_map
map_caption Caption for pushpin_map
map_size Size of the pushpin_map
established When was the restaurant first opened? Use {{Start date}}
closed When was the restaurant closed? Use {{End date}}
current-owner Who is the current owner(s)?
previous-owner Who were the previous owner(s)?
manager Who is the manager?
head-chef Who is the head chef?
chef (Alternative for head chef) Who is the establishment's chef?
pastry-chef Who is the pastry chef?
food-type Food type of restaurant (French, Italian, etc.)
dress-code Dress code of the restaurant (casual, semi-formal, formal)
rating Rating of the restaurant (Michelin Guide and {{Michelin stars}}, Zagat's Survey, etc.)
street-address Address on which the restaurant is located
city City in which the restaurant is located
county County in which the restaurant is located
state State in which the restaurant is located
postcode Or |zip= for postal code
country Country the restaurant is located in
coordinates The Geographic coordinates using {{coord}} (see #Map and coordinates)
seating-capacity The seating capacity of the restaurant
reservations Are reservations required?
other-locations Are there other locations? Is the restaurant franchised?
other-information Or |other-label= for closings, renovations, etc. Do not include phone numbers per WP:NOTYELLOW.
website Restaurant's website; use {{URL}}

Map and coordinates

[sửa mã nguồn]


[sửa mã nguồn]

Use the |coordinates= parameter, with {{Coord}}, to display the coordinates. It will also allows the display of either an interactive {{Mapframe}} map, or {{Location map}} showing a pushpin for the location of the restaurant.

Mapframe maps

[sửa mã nguồn]

Bản mẫu:Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters

Location maps

[sửa mã nguồn]

The pushpin_map= parameter can be used to specify a particular {{location map}}. Requires |coordinates=.


[sửa mã nguồn]

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{Start date}}.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes; nor collapse nested elements which use them.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.


[sửa mã nguồn]
Đây là tài liệu Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho bản mẫu này được sử dụng bởi Trình soạn thảo trực quan và các công cụ khác; xem báo cáo sử dụng tham số hàng tháng cho bản mẫu này.

Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho Infobox restaurant

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zipzip postcode postalcode

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Show mapframe mapmapframe

Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Mapframe captionmapframe-caption

Caption for the map. If mapframe-geomask is set, then the default is "Location in <<geomask's label>>"

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Custom mapframemapframe-custom

Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, other mapframe parameters will be ignored.

Bản mẫutùy chọn
Mapframe Wikidata itemmapframe-id id qid

Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use.

Mặc định
(item for current page)
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe shapes from Wikidatamapframe-wikidata

et to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when coordinates are specified by parameter

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe point featuremapframe-point

Override display of mapframe point feature. Turn off display of point feature by setting to "none". Force point marker to be displayed by setting to "on"

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe shape featuremapframe-shape

Override display of mapframe shape feature. Turn off by setting to "none". Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting to "inverse"

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe widthmapframe-frame-width mapframe-width

Frame width in pixels

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe heightmapframe-frame-height mapframe-height

Frame height in pixels

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe shape fillmapframe-shape-fill

Color used to fill shape features

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe shape fill opacitymapframe-shape-fill-opacity

Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe stroke colormapframe-stroke-color mapframe-stroke-colour

Color of line features, and outlines of shape features

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe stroke widthmapframe-stroke-width

Width of line features, and outlines of shape features

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe markermapframe-marker

Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see [[mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons]] for options

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe marker colormapframe-marker-color mapframe-marker-colour

Background color for the marker

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe geomaskmapframe-geomask

Wikidata item to use as a geomask (everything outside the boundary is shaded darker). Can either be a specific Wikidata item (Q-number), or a property that specifies the item to use (e.g. P17 for country, or P131 for located in the administrative territorial entity)

Ví dụ
Tên trangtùy chọn
Mapframe geomask stroke colormapframe-geomask-stroke-color mapframe-geomask-stroke-colour

Color of outline of geomask shape

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe geomask stroke widthmapframe-geomask-stroke-width

Width of outline of geomask shape

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe geomask fillmapframe-geomask-fill

Color used to fill outside geomask features

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe geomask fill opacitymapframe-geomask-fill-opacity

Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1

Mặc định
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe zoommapframe-zoom

Set the zoom level, from "1" to "18", to used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe length (km)mapframe-length_km

Object length in kilometres, for automatically determining zoom level. ONLY use ONE of the available parameters for length or area

Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe length (mi)mapframe-length_mi

Object length in miles, for automatically determining zoom level. ONLY use ONE of the available parameters for length or area

Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe area (km^2)mapframe-area_km2

Object arean square kilometres, for automatically determining zoom level. ONLY use ONE of the available parameters for length or area

Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe area (mi^2)mapframe-area_mi2

Object area in square miles, for automatically determining zoom level. ONLY use ONE of the available parameters for length or area

Sốtùy chọn
Mapframe frame coordinatesmapframe-frame-coordinates mapframe-frame-coord

Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}

Ví dụ
Bản mẫutùy chọn
Mapframe switchermapframe-switcher

Set to "auto" or "geomasks" or "zooms" to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. IF SET TO auto – switch geomasks found in location (P276) and located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country. IF SET TO geomasks – switch between the geomasks specified as a comma-separated list of Wikidata items (Q-numbers) in the mapframe-geomask parameter. IF SET TO zooms – switch between "zoomed in"/"zoomed midway"/"zoomed out", where "zoomed in" is the default zoom (with a minimum of 3), "zoomed out" is 1, and "zoomed midway" is the average.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Mapframe coordinates mapframe-coordinates mapframe-coord coordinates. coord

Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template.

Mặc định
(coordinates from Wikidata)
Ví dụ
Bản mẫutùy chọn

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Thể loại theo dõi

[sửa mã nguồn]