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Mỳ Quoc

I turned Mỳ Quoc into a redirect page for Hoa Kỳ. Why was this deleted? - Minh Nguyễn 02:47, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Mỳ Quoc was created by somebody in error. Its spelling is wrong, and leaving it there creates a false impression that it's correct. Create an article named "Mỹ Quốc" and link it to "Hoa Kỳ" instead. BTW, Mỹ Quốc is very rarely used in Vietnamese nowadays because it is Hán-Việt. DHN 02:51, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)
Whoops. I didn't even notice the accent marks being wrong. - Minh Nguyễn 02:55, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)