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Mô đun:Infobox television disambiguation check

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Module:Infobox television disambiguation check is used to validate the disambiguation of a page using {{Infobox television}}.

The module preforms two checks:

  1. It checks if one of the accepted WP:NCTV disambiguation styles appears in the parenthesis. If it is incorrect, it places the page in Category:Television articles with incorrect naming style.
    1. Validates the format used is one of the accepted values.
    2. Validates the country adjective used is correct.
    3. Validates the year is using 4 digits.
    4. Validates that the style is ordered as <year> <country adjective> <format>.
  2. It checks if a page is using "(franchise)", "(season)" or "(radio)" as disambiguation, but uses {{Infobox television}} instead of {{Infobox media franchise}}, {{Infobox television season}} or {{Infobox radio show}}. If so, it places the page in Category:Television articles using incorrect infobox.

Usage[sửa mã nguồn]

  • {{#invoke:Infobox television disambiguation check|main|}}

Parameter list[sửa mã nguồn]

The following parameter can be used as a positional parameter.

Parameter Explanation Status
1 The page's title. required

Tracking categories[sửa mã nguồn]

-- This module requires the use of Module:Arguments.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local p = {}

-- Constants.
local DAB_VALID = "valid"
local DAB_INVALID = "invalid"

local debugMessageList = {
	["DEBUG_EMPTY_TITLE"] = "Debug: Error: Empty title.",
	["DEBUG_NO_DAB"] = "Debug: No disambiguation.",
	["DEBUG_TITLE_ON_EXCEPTION"] = "Debug: Title on exception list.",
	["DEBUG_VALID_FORMAT"] = "Debug: Using a valid format.",
	["DEBUG_NOT_VALID_FORMAT"] = "Debug: Not a valid format.",
	["DEBUG_YEAR_COUNTRY"] = "Debug: Using a valid format with an extended Year and Country - {}.",
	["DEBUG_YEAR"] = "Debug: Using a valid format with an extended Year - {}.",
	["DEBUG_COUNTRY"] = "Debug: Using a valid format with an extended Country - {}.",
	["DEBUG_INCORRECT_STYLE"] = "Debug: Using a valid format but using an incorrect extended style.",
	["DEBUG_INCORRECT_INFOBOX"] = "Debug: Using incorrect infobox - {}."

local validDisambiguationTypeList = {
	"TV series",
	"TV program",
	"TV programme",
	"TV film",
	"game show",
	"talk show",
	"web series"

local exceptionList = {
	"The (206)",
	"Cinderella (Apakah Cinta Hanyalah Mimpi?)",
	"How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)",
	"I (Almost) Got Away With It",
	"Monty Python: Almost the Truth (Lawyers Cut)",
	"Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)",

local otherInfoboxList = {

local categoryList = {
	["CATEGORY_INCORRECT"] = "[[Category:Television articles with incorrect naming style]]",
	["franchise"] = "[[Category:Television articles using incorrect infobox|F]]",
	["season"] = "[[Category:Television articles using incorrect infobox|S]]",
	["radio"] = "[[Category:Television articles using incorrect infobox|R]]"

-- Validate that the year entered is a valid year.
local function validateYear(year)
	if (string.len(year) == 4) then
		return true, DAB_VALID
		return false, DAB_INVALID

-- Validate that the text entered is a supported country adjective.
local function validateCountryAdjective(dabString)
	local data = mw.loadData('Module:Country adjective')

	-- Search for a country corresponding to the given text.
	if (data.getCountryFromAdj[dabString]) then
		return true, DAB_VALID
		return false, DAB_INVALID

-- Validate that the disambiguation type is one of the supported types.
local function validateDisambiguationType(disambiguation)
	local extendedDisambiguation
	local count = 0
	for i, v in ipairs(validDisambiguationTypeList) do
		extendedDisambiguation, count = disambiguation:gsub(v .. '$', '')
		if (count ~= 0) then
			-- Disambiguation was a valid type; Exit loop.
	count = count ~= 0 
	return count, extendedDisambiguation


-- Validate that the complete disambiguation is using a supported style.
local function validateDisambiguation(disambiguation)
	local isDisambiguationValid, extendedDisambiguation = validateDisambiguationType(disambiguation)
	-- Exit module if the disambiguation type is not a supported style.
	if (not isDisambiguationValid) then
		return false, debugMessageList["DEBUG_NOT_VALID_FORMAT"]
  	-- Remove trailing white space if there is any.
	extendedDisambiguation = mw.text.trim(extendedDisambiguation)
 	-- Check if there is no extended disambiguation.
	if (extendedDisambiguation == '') then
		return true, debugMessageList["DEBUG_VALID_FORMAT"]

	local year = ""
	local adjective = ""
	local isYearValid
	local isAdjectiveValid
	local debugString = ""

	-- Check if extended disambiguation has both year and country adjective.
	if (extendedDisambiguation:match('^%d+ %D+')) then
		year, adjective = extendedDisambiguation:match('^(%d+) (%D+)')
		-- call to validate year
		isYearValid = validateYear(year)
		-- call to validate country adjective
		isAdjectiveValid = validateCountryAdjective(adjective)
		local isValid
		if (isYearValid and isAdjectiveValid) then
			isValid = true
			debugString = DAB_VALID
			isValid = false
			debugString = DAB_INVALID

		return isValid, debugMessageList["DEBUG_YEAR_COUNTRY"]:gsub("{}", debugString)
	-- Check if extended disambiguation has year.
	elseif (extendedDisambiguation:match('^%d+$')) then
		year = extendedDisambiguation:match('^%d+')
		-- call to validate year
		isYearValid, debugString = validateYear(year)
		return isYearValid, debugMessageList["DEBUG_YEAR"]:gsub("{}", debugString)
	-- Check if extended disambiguation has country adjective.
	elseif (extendedDisambiguation:match('^%D+$')) then
		adjective = extendedDisambiguation
		-- call to validate country adjective
		isAdjectiveValid, debugString = validateCountryAdjective(adjective)
		return isAdjectiveValid, debugMessageList["DEBUG_COUNTRY"]:gsub("{}", debugString)

	-- The disambiguation is not a supported style of one of the above.
		return false, debugMessageList["DEBUG_INCORRECT_STYLE"]

-- Check if the page is using disambiguation style that belongs to a different infobox.
local function isPageUsingIncorrectInfobox(disambiguation)
	for i, v in ipairs(otherInfoboxList) do
		if (string.match(disambiguation, v)) then
			category = categoryList[v]
			return true, category, debugMessageList["DEBUG_INCORRECT_INFOBOX"]:gsub("{}", v)
	return false

-- Validate that the title has brackets that are part of the title and not part of disambiguation.
local function isOnExceptionList(title)
	for _, v in ipairs(exceptionList) do
		if (v == title) then
			return true
	return false

-- Get the disambiguation text and make sure that if the title has more than 1 pair of brackets, it returns the last one.
local function getDisambiguation(title)
	local match = require("Module:String")._match
	return match(title, "%s%((.-)%)", 1, -1, false, "")

-- Validate that arg is not nill and not empty.
local function isEmpty(arg)
	if (not arg or arg == "") then
		return true
		return false

-- Returns two objects:
--- The first is either an empty string or a tracking category which will appear when using the live version.
--- The second is a debug string which will appear when using the sandbox version.
local function _main(args)
	local title = args[1]

	-- Exit module if the parameter has no value.
	if (isEmpty(title)) then
		return "", debugMessageList["DEBUG_EMPTY_TITLE"]
	-- Get the disambiguation.
	local disambiguation = getDisambiguation(title)

	-- Exit module if the title has no disambiguation.
	if (isEmpty(disambiguation)) then
		return "", debugMessageList["DEBUG_NO_DAB"]

	-- Exit module if the title has brackets that are part of the title (not disambiguation).	
	if (isOnExceptionList(title)) then
		return "", debugMessageList["DEBUG_TITLE_ON_EXCEPTION"]

	-- Exit module if the disambiguation belongs to a different infobox.
	local isValid, category, debugString = isPageUsingIncorrectInfobox(disambiguation)
	if (isValid) then
		return category, debugString
	-- Check if the disambiguation is valid.
	isValid, debugString = validateDisambiguation(disambiguation)
	-- Check if the disambiguation is not valid and add category.
	if (not isValid) then
		category = categoryList["CATEGORY_INCORRECT"]

	return category, debugString

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local test = args['test']
	local category, debugString = _main(args)
	if (test) then
		return debugString
		return category

return p