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[sửa mã nguồn]Hình ảnh chọn lọc
[sửa mã nguồn]-
File:Agarplate redbloodcells edit.jpg
File:Aletta Jacobs, 1895-1905.jpg
File:AntigenicShift HiRes.svg
File:Basal ganglia circuits.svg
File:Blood values sorted by mass and molar concentration.png
File:CG Heart.gif
File:Cesarian the moment of birth3.jpg
File:Child with Smallpox Bangladesh.jpg
File:Circulatory System en.svg
File:Complete neuron cell diagram en.svg
File:Computed tomography of human brain - large.png
File:DNA Structure+Key+Labelled.pn NoBB.png
File:Da Vinci Vitruve Luc Viatour.jpg
File:Denis Mukwege par Claude Truong-Ngoc novembre 2014.jpg
File:Desinsertion du muscle CO.jpg
File:Ebola Virus - Electron Micrograph.tiff
File:Eye Central Heterochromia crop and lighter.jpg
File:Eye-diagram no circles border.svg
File:Gas mask MUA IMGP0157.jpg
File:Human arm bones diagram.svg
File:June odd-eyed-cat cropped.jpg
File:Male human head louse.jpg
File:Mantoux tuberculin skin test.jpg
File:Nadar - "Hermaphrodite" (Seventh Gallica image).jpg
File:Neutrophil with anthrax copy.jpg
File:Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.jpg
File:Osmotic pressure on blood cells diagram.svg
File:Polydactyly 01 Lhand AP.jpg
File:Professeur Metchnikoff, portrait du scientifique dans un laboratoire de recherche.jpg
File:Rembrandt - The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp.jpg
File:Respiratory system complete en.svg
File:Root Canal Illustration Molar.svg
File:SARS-CoV-2 scanning electron microscope image.jpg
File:Tubal Pregnancy with embryo.jpg
File:Typhoid inoculation2.jpg
File:Volume rendered CT scan of a pregnancy of 37 weeks of gestational age (smaller).gif
File:Wormian bones.svg
Hình ảnh chọn lọc cũ
[sửa mã nguồn]-
File:Da Vinci Studies of Embryos Luc Viatour.jpg
File:Human skeleton back en.svg
File:Human skeleton front en.svg