Bước tới nội dung

Bản mẫu:Thông tin vùng nước/doc

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia
name text
local name
past or alternative names
Image alt text
Image caption text
Bathymetry alt text
Bathymetry caption text
Vị trílocation text
Nhómgroup text
Tọa độcoordinates in {{coord}} template format
Loạitype of lake or ocean text
Tên nguyênperson, event or entity named after
Một phần củapart of text
Dòng chảy vàoinflow river text
Nguồn sôngtext
Dòng thoát nướcoutflow river text
Nguồn nước
biển/đại dương
Diện tích mặt nướccatchment area text
Lưu vực quốc giacountry text
Cơ quan quản lýmanaging or owning organisation
Designationprotection as a nature reserve, etc.
Xây dựngdate built (for reservoirs; use {{Start date}})
Kiến trúc sư xây dựngtext
Trận lũ đầu tiêndate first flooded (for reservoirs; use {{Start date}})
Chiều dài tối đalength text
Chiều rộng tối đawidth text
Diện tích bề mặtarea text
Độ sâu trung bìnhdepth text
Độ sâu tối đamax depth text
Thể tích nướcvolume text
Thời gian cư trúresidence time of water
Độ mặntext
Chiều dài bờ biển1length of the shoreline
Độ cao bề mặtelevation text
Đóng băngfrozen text
Các đảoislands text
Các phần lưu vực (lưu vực phụ)sections text
Trenchestrenches text
Benchesbenches text
Khu dân cưsettlement text
Tài liệu tham khảoreference text
1 Chiều dài bờ biển không được xác định rõ.

This template can be used to add comparative, at-a-glance material to articles on lakes, oceans, bays, and similar water bodies. If there is a single article for the reservoir and the dam, please use instead of this template the integrated dam infobox template (template:Infobox dam).

{{Infobox body of water
| name               = {{subst:PAGENAMEBASE}}
| native_name        = 
| native_name_lang   = 
| other_name         = 
| image              = 
| alt                = 
| caption            = 
| image_bathymetry   = 
| alt_bathymetry     = 
| caption_bathymetry = 
| location           = 
| group              = 
| coords             = <!-- {{coord|DD|MM|SS|N|DD|MM|SS|W|region:ZZ_type:waterbody|display =inline,title}} -->
| type               = 
| part_of            = 
| etymology          = 
| inflow             = 
| rivers             = 
| outflow            = 
| oceans             = 
| catchment          = 
| catchment_ref      =
| basin_countries    = 
| agency             = 
| designation        = 
| date-built         = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} For man-made and other recent bodies of water -->
| engineer           = 
| date-flooded       = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} For man-made and other recent bodies of water -->
| length             = 
| length_ref         = 
| width              = 
| width_ref          = 
| area               = 
| area_ref           = 
| depth              = 
| depth_ref          = 
| max-depth          = 
| max-depth_ref      = 
| volume             = 
| volume_ref         = 
| residence_time     = 
| salinity           = 
| shore              = 
| shore_ref          = 
| elevation          = 
| elevation_ref      = 
| frozen             = 
| islands            = 
| sections           = 
| trenches           = 
| benches            = 
| cities             = 
| pushpin_map             = <!-- the name of a location map as per Template:Location map. Requires coordinates in latd= and longd= format -->
| pushpin_label_position  = <!-- left, right, top or bottom -->
| pushpin_map_alt         = 
| pushpin_map_caption     = 
| latd  =  |latm  =  |lats  =  |latNS  = <!-- N or S -->
| longd =  |longm =  |longs =  |longEW = <!-- E or W -->
| website            = 
| reference          = 


[sửa mã nguồn]
name of the body of water. Avoid using templates, boldface or italics in this field.
name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}}
ISO 639-2 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead
Local, alternative or former names. Separate multiple values by using {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}}.
characteristic_image.png Please avoid sunset pictures or maps (For maps, use image_bathymetry).
If missing, the article is added to Category:Wikipedia infobox body of water articles without image
see also: Wikipedia:WikiProject Lakes/Galleries
Alt text describing the image, for visually impaired readers and other applications where the image cannot be seen
Text about the image; avoid repeating the name of the body of water, it's already in the first field of the infobox.
bathymetry_image.png (or other image, avoid maps showing only the location of the body of water)
Alt text for the bathymetry (or other) image
Text about the bathymetry (or other) image
Text about the body of water's location. Note the town/state/region in which the body water is located. Names are listed in wikified form, without flags.
Add the country only if the body of water is located in several countries or if there are several basin countries, but only one country in which the body of water is located.
Latitude and Longitude coordinates of the body of water. It is common to use the approximate center of the body of water, or simply any notable portion of the body of water for the coordinates. Coordinates are generally displayed in the infobox and on the top corner of the articles. For more, see WP:GEO and WP:Obtaining geographic coordinates
Sample coordinates: {{coord|47|01|10|N|8|24|04|E|type:waterbody_region:CH|display =inline,title}}
Coordinates-"Type:" for a body of water is "waterbody".
If missing, the article is placed in Category:Wikipedia infobox body of water articles without coordinates
type of lake. If it's a reservoir, add "[[reservoir]]".
For typologies, see Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Lakes#Lake types and Lake#Types of lakes
Samples values with wikimarkup (only one or a few may apply): [[periglacial]], [[subglacial lake]], [[artificial lake]] [[reservoir (water)|reservoir]], [[endorheic]], [[meromictic]], [[oxbow lake]], [[rift lake]], [[underground lake]], [[crater lake]], [[intermittent lake]], [[:Category:Former lakes|former lake]], [[:Category:Shrunken lakes|shrunken lake]]; [[oligotrophic]], [[mesotropic]], [[eutrophic lake]], [[hypertrophic]]
name of any parent basin or hydrology system
person, event or other entity the body is named after
major inflow sources — rivers, aquifers, glacial runoff, etc.
Use italics for any terms that are not place names, e.g. none
outflow waterway names.
If evaporation or seepage are notable outflows, they may be included.
Use italics for any terms that are not place names, e.g. evaporation
the area of catchment (in square kilometres) which includes the entire area of the drainage basin for that body of water. This may include rivers and other bodies of water. If this can be accompanied with a map or drawing, include it with the article.
Sample value: {{convert|2124|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}}
which countries have drainage to/from or border the body of water. To conform a standard, this should include all countries that are directly involved with the body of water's ecology; this would include inflows, outflows, or physically contact the body of water.
Countries are listed in unwikified form, without flags. For Antarctica, use "(Antarctica)".
managing or owning organisation
protected status as a nature reserve, etc.
date construction the body of water/reservoir started, if man-made.
date the body of water/reservoir was first flooded, if man-made or otherwise recent.
maximum length of the body of water in km, statute mile, and/or nautical miles; the length of the body of water at its longest dimension.
Sample value: {{convert|100|km|mi|abbr=on}}
maximum width of the body of water in km, statute mile, and/or nautical miles; perpendicular to the angle used to calculate length.
Sample value: {{convert|50|km|mi|abbr=on}}
total area of the body of water's surface in square kilometres, square miles, acres, or hectares; if this value varies drastically (due to evaporation or changes in flow), attempt to find a documented average value.
Sample conversion for imperial units: {{convert|1234|acre|abbr=on}} this renders as: 1.234 mẫu Anh (499 ha)
Average depth of the body of water in metres, fathoms, and/or feet
Sample conversion for imperial units: {{convert|123|ft|abbr=on}} this renders as: 123 ft (37 m)
Maximum depth of the body of water in metres, fathoms, and/or feet.
Sample value: {{convert|10|m|ft|abbr=on}}
total volume of the body of water (cubic metres, cubic kilometres, cubic miles [cu mi], and/or acre-feet)
Sample value: 11.8 km³
To convert acre-feet, use {{convert|1234567|acre.ft|abbr=on}} this renders as 1.234.567 acre⋅ft (1,522816×109 m3)
residence time of the body of water or lake retention time (generally in years). This is the mean time water spends in the body of water.
length of the shoreline in kilometres and statute miles; this should not include values for waterways directly connected to the body of water, and should reflect the shore at average surface area.
Sample value: {{convert|75|km|mi|abbr=on}}
elevation above sea-level in meters; again, if this value varies due to variable inflow or outflow, attempt to use a documented average value. If at all possible, state the date at which the elevation was measured.
Sample value: {{convert|150|m|ft|abbr=on}}
total number of islands in the body of water; it is common practice to also include the names of any notable islands in the body of water.
if there is a specific category for articles about islands in the body of water, it can be added in this field (e.g., Islands of the Caspian Sea, Category:Lake islands or Category:Islands by ocean or sea). "Islands" in the infobox then links to one of these categories instead of Category:Islands by body of water.
notable cities or settlements on or near the shore of the body of water.
Information about freezing: e.g. usual freezing date, months the body of water is frozen, last years the body of water was frozen, never, etc.
references for some or all of the values. Rather than including full references in any of the previous fields, <ref name ="multiple"> and </ref> should be used in this field and cross-referenced in the other fields with <ref name ="multiple"/>. See Help:Footnotes on how to use the tags.
"align =left" allows to align the infobox left (default is right). This avoids collision with another infobox.
The name of a location map as per Template:Location map. Requires coordinates in latd= and longd= format.
Location of the label to the pushpin. One of "left", "right", "top", or "bottom".
Pushpin map alt text.
Pushpin map caption.
latd = |latm = |lats = |latNS =
Latitude of pushpin for pushpin_map.
longd = |longm = |longs = |longEW =
Longitude of pushpin for pushpin_map.

Imperial units should be converted to metric units, preferably using {{convert}}, e.g. {{convert|1234|acre|abbr=on}} this renders as 1.234 mẫu Anh (499 ha)

Maintenance categories

[sửa mã nguồn]

The infobox has several maintenance categories connected to it:

The categories are hidden, i.e. the aren't visible in the standard display of the articles (see WP:Hidden categories).


[sửa mã nguồn]
Đây là tài liệu Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho bản mẫu này được sử dụng bởi Trình soạn thảo trực quan và các công cụ khác; xem báo cáo sử dụng tham số hàng tháng cho bản mẫu này.

Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho Thông tin vùng nước

Không có miêu tả.

Tham số bản mẫu

Nên dùng bản mẫu này với các tham số đặt thành khối.

Tham sốMiêu tảKiểuTrạng thái

Name of the Body of Water.

Chuỗi dàibắt buộc
Other Nameother_name

Local, Alternative or Former Names

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Image of the Body of Water

Tên trangtùy chọn
Image alternative textalt

Alt text to display if the image specified by image does not display for whatever reason

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Image captioncaption

Caption for the image.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Image Bathymetryimage_bathymetry

Bathymetry Image

Tên trangtùy chọn
Alt Bathymetryalt_bathymetry

Alternate text to display if image_bathymetry does not display for whatever reason

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Caption Bathymetrycaption_bathymetry

Image caption for image_bathymetry

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Location of the Body of Water

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Latitude and Longitude coordinates of the body of water

Sốtùy chọn

Type of the Body of Water

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

person, event, or other entity body is named after

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Part ofpart_of

Name of any parent basin or hydrology system

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Major inflow sources — rivers, aquifers, glacial runoff, etc.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Outflow Waterway Names e.g. evaporation

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

The area of catchment (in square kilometres) which includes the entire area of the drainage basin for that body of water.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Basin Countriesbasin_countries

Which countries have drainage to/from or border the body of water.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Date Builtdate-built

Date of construction of the body of water/reservoir started, if man-made.

Chuỗi ngắntùy chọn
Date Floodeddate-flooded

Date of the body of water/reservoir was first flooded, if man-made or otherwise recent.

Chuỗi ngắntùy chọn

Managing or owning organisation

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Maximum length of the body of water in km

Sốtùy chọn

Maximum width of the body of water in km

Sốtùy chọn

Total area of the body of water's surface in square kilometres

Sốtùy chọn

Average depth of the body of water in metres, fathoms, and/or feet

Sốtùy chọn
Max Depthmax-depth

Maximum depth of the body of water in metres, fathoms, and/or feet.

Sốtùy chọn

Total volume of the body of water (cubic metres, cubic kilometres, cubic miles [cu mi], and/or acre-feet)

Sốtùy chọn
Residence Timeresidence_time

Time spends by water in the body of water.

Sốtùy chọn

Length of the shoreline in kilometres and statute miles this should not include values for waterways directly connected to the body of water, and should reflect the shore at average surface area.

Sốtùy chọn

Elevation above sea-level in meters.

Sốtùy chọn

Information about freezing: e.g. usual freezing date, months the body of water is frozen, last years the body of water was frozen, never, etc.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn

Total number of islands in the body of water

Sốtùy chọn

Notable cities or settlements on or near the shore of the body of water.

Sốtùy chọn

references for some or all of the values.

Chuỗi dàitùy chọn


[sửa mã nguồn]

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{Start date}}.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes; nor collapse nested elements which use them.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.