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Bản mẫu:Infobox tram network

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Tài liệu bản mẫu[xem] [sửa] [lịch sử] [làm mới]
Tổng quan
Vị trílocale
Mở cửaopen
Đóng cửaclose
Tình trạngstatus
Tuyến đườngroutes
Chủ sở hữuowner
Quản lýoperator
Cơ sở hạ tầng
Khổ đường raygauge
Bán kính đường cong tối thiểumin_curve_radius
Hệ thống đẩypropulsion_system
Điện khí hóaelectrification
Trạm bảo trìdepot
Thế hệ tàustock
Số liệu thống kê
Chiều dài tuyến (đơn)single_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến (đôi)double_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến (tổng cộng)total_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến đườngroute_length
Số điểm dừngstops
Hành khách (pass_year)passengers (pass_system)
Kỷ nguyên era1_name : era1_start_yearera1_end_year
Hệ thống era1_system
Tình trạng era1_status
Tuyến era1_lines
Routes era1_routes
Chủ sở hữu era1_owner
Quản lý era1_operator
Khổ đường ray era1_gauge
Bán kính đường cong tối thiểu era1_min_curve_radius
Hệ thống đẩy era1_propulsion_system
Điện khí hóa era1_electrification
Depot era1_depot
Stock era1_stock
Chiều dài tuyến (đơn) era1_single_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến (đôi) era1_double_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến (tổng cộng) era1_total_track_length
Chiều dài tuyến đường era1_route_length
Stops era1_stops
Hành khách (era1_pass_year)era1_passengers (era1_pass_system)
Trang chủ [era1_website]
Kỷ nguyên era2_name : era2_start_yearera2_end_year
Kỷ nguyên era3_name : era3_start_yearera3_end_year
Kỷ nguyên era4_name : era4_start_yearera4_end_year

{{Infobox tram network}} should be used in articles on tram networks for a particular locale. Such networks may have experienced several eras of operation from historical to present-day.

Copy and paste the following text into an article to use only the common parameters:

{{Infobox tram network
| name = 
| system = 
| logo = 
| image = 
| caption = 
| locale = 
| open = 
| close = 
| status = 
| lines = 
| owner =                <!-- or: | owners = -->
| operator =             <!-- or: | operators = -->
| gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| min_curve_radius = 
| propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | propulsion_systems = -->
| electrification =      <!-- or: | el = -->
| depot =                <!-- or: | depots = -->
| stock = 
| single_track_length = 
| double_track_length = 
| total_track_length = 
| route_length = 
| pass_year = 
| passengers = 
| pass_percent = 
| pass_system = 
| mpassengers = 
| map = 
| map_state = 
| website = 

Copy and paste the following text into an article to use all the parameters:

{{Infobox tram network
| name = 
| native_name = 
| native_name_lang = 
| system = 
| logo = 
| logo_width = 
| logo_alt = 
| image = 
| image_width = 
| image_alt = 
| caption = 
| locale = 
| open = 
| close = 
| status = 
| lines = 
| routes = 
| owner =                <!-- or: | owners = -->
| operator =             <!-- or: | operators = -->
| gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| min_curve_radius = 
| propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | propulsion_systems = -->
| electrification =      <!-- or: | el = -->
| depot =                <!-- or: | depots = -->
| stock = 
| single_track_length = 
| double_track_length = 
| total_track_length = 
| route_length = 
| stops = 
| pass_year = 
| passengers = 
| pass_percent = 
| pass_system = 
| mpassengers = 
| map = 
| map_state = 
| website = 
<!--------First era-------->
| era1_name = 
| era1_start_year = 
| era1_end_year = 
| era1_state = 
| era1_system = 
| era1_status = 
| era1_lines = 
| era1_routes = 
| era1_owner =                <!-- or: | era1_owners = -->
| era1_operator =             <!-- or: | era1_operators = -->
| era1_gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| era1_min_curve_radius = 
| era1_propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | era1_propulsion_systems = -->
| era1_electrification =      <!-- or: | era1_el = -->
| era1_depot =                <!-- or: | era1_depots = -->
| era1_stock = 
| era1_single_track_length = 
| era1_double_track_length = 
| era1_total_track_length = 
| era1_route_length = 
| era1_stops   = 
| era1_pass_year = 
| era1_passengers = 
| era1_pass_percent = 
| era1_pass_system = 
| era1_mpassengers = 
| era1_map = 
| era1_website = 
<!--------Second era-------->
| era2_name = 
| era2_start_year = 
| era2_end_year = 
| era2_state = 
| era2_system = 
| era2_status = 
| era2_lines = 
| era2_routes = 
| era2_owner =                <!-- or: | era2_owners = -->
| era2_operator =             <!-- or: | era2_operators = -->
| era2_gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}}{{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| era2_min_curve_radius = 
| era2_propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | era2_propulsion_systems = -->
| era2_electrification =      <!-- or: | era2_el = -->
| era3_depot =                <!-- or: | era2_depots = -->
| era2_stock = 
| era2_single_track_length = 
| era2_double_track_length = 
| era2_total_track_length = 
| era2_route_length = 
| era2_stops = 
| era2_pass_year = 
| era2_passengers = 
| era2_pass_percent = 
| era2_pass_system = 
| era2_mpassengers = 
| era2_map = 
| era2_website = 
<!--------Third era-------->
| era3_name = 
| era3_start_year = 
| era3_end_year = 
| era3_state = 
| era3_system = 
| era3_status = 
| era3_lines = 
| era3_routes = 
| era3_owner =                <!-- or: | era3_owners = -->
| era3_operator =             <!-- or: | era3_operators = -->
| era3_gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| era3_min_curve_radius = 
| era3_propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | era3_propulsion_systems = -->
| era3_electrification =      <!-- or: | era3_el = -->
| era3_depot =                <!-- or: | era3_depots = -->
| era3_stock = 
| era3_single_track_length = 
| era3_double_track_length = 
| era3_total_track_length = 
| era3_route_length = 
| era3_stops = 
| era3_pass_year = 
| era3_passengers = 
| era3_pass_percent = 
| era3_pass_system = 
| era3_mpassengers = 
| era3_map = 
| era3_website = 
<!--------Fourth era-------->
| era4_name = 
| era4_start_year = 
| era4_end_year = 
| era4_state = 
| era4_system = 
| era4_status = 
| era4_lines = 
| era4_routes = 
| era4_owner =                <!-- or: | era4_owners = -->
| era4_operator =             <!-- or: | era4_operators = -->
| era4_gauge = <nowiki>{{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}</nowiki>
| era4_min_curve_radius = 
| era4_propulsion_system =    <!-- or: | era4_propulsion_systems = -->
| era4_electrification =      <!-- or: | era4_el = -->
| era4_depot =                <!-- or: | era4_depots = -->
| era4_stock = 
| era4_single_track_length = 
| era4_double_track_length = 
| era4_total_track_length = 
| era4_route_length = 
| era4_stops = 
| era4_pass_year = 
| era4_passengers = 
| era4_pass_percent = 
| era4_pass_system = 
| era4_mpassengers = 
| era4_map = 
| era4_website = 

In general, parameters from the Operation, Infrastructure, Statistics, and Overview sections should be used when the subject has had only one era of operation or when the parameter value is common across all eras. For tramways with multiple eras of operation, specify the values unique to each era using the parameters from the appropriate "era" section.


[sửa mã nguồn]
Name Description
name Name of the tramway system. Defaults to page name if not specified.
native_name Name of the system in the local language
native_name_lang ISO 639-2 code for the language used in |native_name=
system Name of the transit system that incorporates the tramway.
logo Name of the logo image file.
logo_width Width of the logo image. Defaults to 200px if not specified.
logo_alt Alternate text for the logo image.
image Name of the image file.
image_width Width of the image file. Defaults to 250px if not specified.
image_alt Alternate text for the image.
caption Caption for the image.
locale Location of the tramway system. Usually the city in which it was built/operated.
open Date on which the tramway system was opened.
close Date on which the tramway system was closed.
status Status of the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
lines Either the number of lines or a list of the lines in the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
routes A deprecated alternative to "lines" (for the reason why the term "routes" is deprecated, see Network length (transport)#Lines and routes). Either the number of routes or a list of the routes in the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.)
owner or owners Owner or owners of the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
operator or operators Operator or operators of the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
gauge Gauge of the track. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
min_curve_radius Minimum curve radius used. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
propulsion_system or propulsion_systems Propulsion system or systems used by tramway vehicles operating the network. Should be one or more of horse, steam, diesel, or electric. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
electrification or el Electrification system. For mains power include voltage, current type, and delivery method; otherwise just specify battery. Should only be used if propulsion_system is electric. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
depot or depots Name/s of the maintenance depot/s for the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
stock Type of rolling stock used on the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
single_track_length Length of single track in the tramway system. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
double_track_length Length of double track in the tramway system. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
total_track_length Total length of track (single and double plus loops, sidings, etc.) in the tramway system. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
route_length Total length of all routes in the tramway system. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
stops Total number of stops on the tramway system. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
pass_year Year(s) for which the patronage statistics for the tramway system are applicable. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
passengers Number of passengers for the tramway system in the timeframe specified by pass_year. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
pass_percent Percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the tramway system compared to the previous period. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
pass_system System used for patronage statistics. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
mpassengers Allows display of multiple passenger totals using {{Rail pass box}}. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
map Name of the track diagram or route map. This parameter is not formatted so if the map is an internal image file it should be specified using Wikilink syntax. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.
map_state Initial state of the map. Use show or collapsed.
website URL of the tramway system’s web site. Should not be specified here if used in any of the era sections.

For era N, where N = 1 to 4:

Name of the era of operation.
eraN_start_year Year in which era N began.
eraN_end_year Year in which era N ended.
eraN_state Initial state of the era N section. Use show or collapsed.
eraN_system Name of the transit system that incorporated the tramway in era N.
eraN_status Status of the tramway system from era N.
eraN_routes Either the number of routes or a list of the routes in era N.
eraN_owner or eraN_owners Owner or owners of the tramway system in era N.
eraN_operator or eraN_operators Operator or operators of the tramway system in era N.
eraN_gauge Gauge of the track in era N.
eraN_min_curve_radius Minimum curve radius used in era N.
eraN_propulsion_system or eraN_propulsion_systems Propulsion system or systems used by tramway vehicles operating the network in era N. Should be one or more of horse, steam, diesel, or electric.
eraN_electrification or eraN_el Electrification system used in era N. For mains power include voltage, current type, and delivery method; otherwise just specify battery. Should only be used if eraN_propulsion_system is electric.
eraN_depot or eraN_depots Name/s of the depot/s for the tramway system in era N.
eraN_stock Type of rolling stock used by the tramway system in era N.
eraN_single_track_length Length of single track in era N. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units.
eraN_double_track_length Length of double track in era N. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units.
eraN_total_track_length Total length of track in era N. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units.
eraN_route_length Total length of all routes in era N. Use the {{convert}} template to show both imperial and metric units.
eraN_stops Total number of stops on the tramway system in era N.
eraN_pass_year Year(s) for which the patronage statistics for the tramway system are applicable.
eraN_passengers Number of passengers for the tramway system in the timeframe specified by eraN_pass_year.
eraN_pass_percent Percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the tramway system compared to the previous period.
eraN_pass_system System used for patronage statistics.
eraN_mpassengers Allows display of multiple passenger totals using {{Rail pass box}}.
eraN_map Name of the track diagram or route map for the tramway system in era N. This parameter is not formatted so if the map is an internal image file it should be specified using Wikilink syntax.
eraN_website URL of the web site for the tramway system in era N.
Anycity Tramway
Tổng quan
Vị tríAnycity, Anycountry
Cơ sở hạ tầng
Khổ đường ray1.435 mm (4 ft 8 12 in) đường sắt khổ tiêu chuẩn1.000 mm (3 ft 3 38 in) metre gauge 3 ft 6 in (1.067 mm)
Kỷ nguyên Horse and steam : 1880–1906
Tình trạng Closed
  • North
  • East
  • South
  • West
Chủ sở hữu Anycity Tramway Company
Quản lý Anycity Tramway Company
Depot High Street
Chiều dài tuyến đường 20 dặm (32 km)
Kỷ nguyên Electric : 1905–1954
Tình trạng Closed
Chủ sở hữu Anycity City Council
Quản lý Anycity City Council
Điện khí hóa 600 V DC catenary
Chiều dài tuyến đường 37,5 dặm (60,4 km)[chuyển đổi: số không hợp lệ]
Hành khách (1920)12345678 Giữ nguyên 0%
Kỷ nguyên Preservation : 1968–present
Tình trạng Operational
Điện khí hóa 600 V DC catenary
Chiều dài tuyến đường 2 kilômét (1,2 mi)
Trang chủ www.example.com
Kỷ nguyên Heritage : 1995–present
Hệ thống Metro
Tình trạng Operational
Routes Central city circuit
Chủ sở hữu Anycity Transport Ltd.
Quản lý Anycity Transport Ltd.
Hệ thống đẩy Electric
Điện khí hóa 600 V DC catenary
Chiều dài tuyến đường 4 kilômét (2,5 mi)
Trang chủ www.example.com
{{Infobox tram network
| name = Anycity Tramway
| image = Noflag2.svg
| locale = Anycity, Anycountry
| gauge = {{Track gauge|sg|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|1000mm|allk=on}} {{Track gauge|42in|lk=on}}
| era1_name = Horse and steam
| era1_start_year = 1880
| era1_end_year = 1906
| era1_status = Closed
| era1_routes = {{ublist|North|East|South|West}}
| era1_owner = Anycity Tramway Company
| era1_operator = Anycity Tramway Company
| era1_propulsion_systems = {{hlist|Horse|Steam}}
| era1_depot = High Street
| era1_route_length = {{convert|20|mi}}
| era2_name = Electric
| era2_start_year = 1905
| era2_end_year = 1954
| era2_status = Closed
| era2_owner = Anycity City Council
| era2_operator = Anycity City Council
| era2_propulsion_systems = {{hlist|Electric|Steam}}
| era2_electrification = 600 V DC catenary
| era2_route_length = {{convert|37.5|mi}}
| era2_pass_year = 1920
| era2_passengers = 12345678
| era2_pass_percent = 0
| era3_name = Preservation
| era3_start_year = 1968
| era3_end_year = present
| era3_status = Operational
| era3_propulsion_systems = {{hlist|Horse|Steam|Electric}}
| era3_electrification = 600 V DC catenary
| era3_route_length = {{convert|2|km}}
| era3_website = http://www.example.com/ www.example.com
| era4_name = Heritage
| era4_start_year = 1995
| era4_end_year = present
| era4_system = Metro
| era4_status = Operational
| era4_routes = Central city circuit
| era4_owner = Anycity Transport Ltd.
| era4_operator = Anycity Transport Ltd.
| era4_propulsion_system = Electric
| era4_electrification = 600 V DC catenary
| era4_route_length = {{convert|4|km}}
| era4_website = http://www.example.com/ www.example.com

TemplateData for VisualEditor

[sửa mã nguồn]
Đây là tài liệu Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho bản mẫu này được sử dụng bởi Trình soạn thảo trực quan và các công cụ khác; xem báo cáo sử dụng tham số hàng tháng cho bản mẫu này.

Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho Infobox tram network

Infobox for tram/streetcar and trolleybus networks with multiple lines/routes. Accommodates for historical data.

Tham số bản mẫu[Quản lý Dữ liệu bản mẫu]

Nên dùng bản mẫu này với các tham số đặt thành khối.

Tham sốMiêu tảKiểuTrạng thái

The name of the system or network.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Melbourne tramway network
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Native namenative_name

The name of the system or network in its local language, if not English. Specify the language code in 'native_name_lang'.

Ví dụ
Straßenbahnnetz Dresden
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Language of native namenative_name_lang

The ISO 639-2 code of the language used in 'native_name', if specified.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Broader systemsystem

A larger system the current (or most recent) network is part of. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Public Transport Victoria]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng

The system's logo, if represented by one. Do not include namespace.

Tập tinkhuyên dùng
Logo widthlogo_width

The width the specified logo should be rendered to. Aspect ratio is preserved.

Mặc định
Giá trị tự động
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Alternative text for logologo_alt

Description of the specified logo. Read aloud by screen readers.

Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Photograph or other imageimage

A photograph or other image representing the system. Usually a photograph of a tram or trolleybus on the network, but can be anything else. Do not include namespace.

Tập tinkhuyên dùng
Image widthimage_width

The width the specified photograph or image should be rendered to. Aspect ratio is preserved.

Mặc định
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Alternative text for imageimage_alt

Description of the specified photograph or image. Read aloud by screen readers.

Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Image captioncaption

Caption for the specified photograph or image, in wikitext format.

Nội dungkhuyên dùng

The town, city or other region in which the network or system operates.

Ví dụ
[[Melbourne]], [[Australia]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Opening dateopen

The date, however incomplete, of the system's first day of operations. The use of {{Start date and age}} is recommended, unless the date is a bound/limit (e.g. before April 1907).

Ví dụ
{{Start date and age|1884|df=yes}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Closing dateclose

The date, however incomplete, of the system's last day of operations. The use of {{End date and age}} is recommended, unless the date is a bound/limit (e.g. before April 1907).

Ví dụ
{{End date and age|1937|df=yes}}
Bản mẫutùy chọn
Status (single era)status

The current state of the tram or trolleybus system. Do not specify if any of 'era1_status', 'era2_status', 'era3_status' or 'era4_status' is specified.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Lines (single era)lines

The number of lines or a list of lines in the system. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_lines', 'era2_lines', 'era3_lines' or 'era4_lines' is specified.

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|Line 1|Line 2|Line 3}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Routes (single era)routes

The number of routes or a list of routes in the system. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_routes', 'era2_routes', 'era3_routes' or 'era4_routes' is specified.

Nội dunglỗi thời
Owner(s) (single era)owner owners

The owner(s) of the system. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_owner', 'era2_owner', 'era3_owner' or 'era4_owner' is specified.

Ví dụ
[[De Lijn]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Operator(s) (single era)operator operators

The operator(s) of the system. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_operator', 'era2_operator', 'era3_operator' or 'era4_operator' is specified.

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[London United Tramways]] (1931–1933)|[[London Passenger Transport Board]] (1933–1947)|[[London Transport Executive]] (1947–1962)}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Track gauge (single era)gauge

The track gauge used by the tram system. Consider using {{track gauge}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_gauge', 'era2_gauge', 'era3_gauge' or 'era4_gauge' is specified.

Ví dụ
{{track gauge|1435 mm}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Minimum curve radius (single era)min_curve_radius minimum_radius_of_curvature

The minimum curve radius used by the tram system. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_min_curve_radius', 'era2_min_curve_radius', 'era3_min_curve_radius' or 'era4_min_curve_radius' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Propulsion system(s) (single era)propulsion_system propulsion_systems

The system(s) used for moving trams, such as horses, cables, steam, diesel and/or electricity. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_propulsion_system', 'era2_propulsion_system', 'era3_propulsion_system' or 'era4_propulsion_system' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Electrification system (single era)electrification el

The electrification system if the propulsion system is electric (always the case for trolleybuses). If the power source is the mains, specify the voltage, current type (direct or alternating) and delivery method. If the power source is from a battery, just state 'battery'. May be wikilinked. Do not specify if any of 'era1_electrification', 'era2_electrification', 'era3_electrification' or 'era4_electrification' is specified.

Ví dụ
600 [[Volt|V]] [[Direct current|DC]] [[overhead line|overhead]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Depot(s) (single era)depot depots

The number of depots or a list of depots in the system. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_depot', 'era2_depot', 'era3_depot' or 'era4_depot' is specified.

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[Adinkerke]]|[[De Panne]]|[[Nieuwpoortsesteenweg]]|[[Oostende]]|[[Knokke-Heist]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Rolling stock or fleet (single era)stock

The vehicle(s) used for services in the system. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]). Do not specify if any of 'era1_stock', 'era2_stock', 'era3_stock' or 'era4_stock' is specified.

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|16 [[Bombardier Transportation|Bombardier]] [[Flexity 2 (Blackpool)|Flexity 2]]|15 [[English Electric]] [[English Electric Balloon tram|Balloon]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of single track (single era)single_track_length

Length of single track in the system. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_single_track_length', 'era2_single_track_length', 'era3_single_track_length' or 'era4_single_track_length' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of double track (single era)double_track_length

Length of double track in the system, counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_double_track_length', 'era2_double_track_length', 'era3_double_track_length' or 'era4_double_track_length' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total track length (single era)total_track_length

Total length of track in the system, including service tracks such as loops and sidings. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses. Do not specify if any of 'era1_total_track_length', 'era2_total_track_length', 'era3_total_track_length' or 'era4_total_track_length' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total route length (single era)route_length

Total length of track in the system, excluding any service tracks. Overlapping sections are counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Do not specify if any of 'era1_route_length', 'era2_route_length', 'era3_route_length' or 'era4_route_length' is specified.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Number of stops (single era)stops

The total number of stops in the system. Do not specify if any of 'era1_stops', 'era2_stops', 'era3_stops' or 'era4_stops' is specified.

Ví dụ
Sốtùy chọn
Passenger statistics (single era)mpassengers

Passenger statistics over multiple periods of time. Designed for use with {{rail pass box}}. Do not specify if passenger statistics is specified per era.

Ví dụ
{{Rail pass box|passengers = 24.670 million|pass_year = 2009-2010|pass_percent = 0.12}} {{Rail pass box|passengers = 25.187 million|pass_year = 2010-2011|pass_percent = 2.09}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Time period of passenger statistic (single era)pass_year

The time interval for which the value specified in 'passengers' applies. Do not specify if passenger statistics is specified per era.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Number of passengers (single era)passengers

The number of passengers served in the time period specified in 'pass_year'. Do not specify if passenger statistics is specified per era.

Ví dụ
5.1 million
Nội dungtùy chọn
Percentage change of passenger statistic (single era)pass_percent

The percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the period specified in 'pass_year' compared to the previous time period, if applicable. Do not specify if passenger statistics is specified per era.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
System used for passenger statistic (single era)pass_system

The system used when obtaining the value in 'passengers'. May be wikilinked. Do not specify if passenger statistics is specified per era.

Nội dungtùy chọn
Map (single era)map

A map of the system. This could be one generated from {{routemap}}, or could be an image file (if this is the case, wiki syntax is required). Do not specify if any of 'era1_map', 'era2_map', 'era3_map' or 'era4_map' is specified.

Ví dụ
[[File:Brussel 2009.png|center|275px|alt=Brussels tramway network, 2009.]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default state of map (single era)map_state

The initial state of the map, if specified, when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Website (single era)website

External link to the tram or trolleybus system's website, without the enclosing square brackets. Do not specify if any of 'era1_website', 'era2_website', 'era3_website' or 'era4_website' is specified.

Ví dụ
http://www.dekusttram.be/ De Kusttram
URLtùy chọn
Name of first eraera1_name

Name of the first era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Horsecar|Horse tram]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Start year of first eraera1_start_year

The year when the first era began. Consider using {{start date}}.

Ví dụ
{{start date|1884}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
End year of first eraera1_end_year

The year when the first era ended. Consider using {{end date}}.

Ví dụ
{{end date|1923}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default section state (first era)era1_state

The initial state of the first era section when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Broader system (first era)era1_system

A larger system the network is/was part of in the first era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Public Transport Victoria]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Status (first era)era1_status

The current state of the first-era tram or trolleybus system.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Lines (first era)era1_lines

The number of lines or a list of lines in the system during the first era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|Line 1|Line 2|Line 3}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Routes (first era)era1_routes

The number of routes or a list of routes in the system during the first era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Nội dunglỗi thời
Owner(s) (first era)era1_owner era1_owners

The owner(s) of the system during the first era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
[[De Lijn]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Operator(s) (first era)era1_operator era1_operators

The operator(s) of the system during the first era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[London United Tramways]] (1931–1933)|[[London Passenger Transport Board]] (1933–1947)|[[London Transport Executive]] (1947–1962)}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Track gauge (first era)era1_gauge

The track gauge used by the tram system during the first era. Consider using {{track gauge}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
{{track gauge|1435 mm}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Minimum curve radius (first era)era1_min_curve_radius era1_minimum_radius_of_curvature

The minimum curve radius used by the tram system during the first era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Propulsion system(s) (first era)era1_propulsion_system era1_propulsion_systems

The system(s) used for moving trams, such as horses, cables, steam, diesel and/or electricity, during the first era. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Electrification system (first era)era1_electrification era1_el

The electrification system during the first era if the propulsion system is electric (always the case for trolleybuses). If the power source is the mains, specify the voltage, current type (direct or alternating) and delivery method. If the power source is from a battery, just state 'battery'. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
600 [[Volt|V]] [[Direct current|DC]] [[overhead line|overhead]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Depot(s) (first era)era1_depot era1_depots

The number of depots or a list of depots in the system during the first era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[Adinkerke]]|[[De Panne]]|[[Nieuwpoortsesteenweg]]|[[Oostende]]|[[Knokke-Heist]]}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Rolling stock or fleet (first era)era1_stock

The vehicle(s) used for services in the system during the first era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|16 [[Bombardier Transportation|Bombardier]] [[Flexity 2 (Blackpool)|Flexity 2]]|15 [[English Electric]] [[English Electric Balloon tram|Balloon]]}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Length of single track (first era)era1_single_track_length

Length of single track in the system during the first era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of double track (first era)era1_double_track_length

Length of double track in the system during the first era, counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total track length (first era)era1_total_track_length

Total length of track in the system during the first era, including service tracks such as loops and sidings. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Total route length (first era)era1_route_length

Total length of track in the system, excluding any service tracks, during the first era. Overlapping sections are counted once. Consider using {{convert}}.

Ví dụ
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Number of stops (first era)era1_stops

The total number of stops in the system during the first era.

Ví dụ
Sốkhuyên dùng
Passenger statistics (first era)era1_mpassengers

Passenger statistics over multiple periods of time during the first era. Designed for use with {{rail pass box}}.

Ví dụ
{{Rail pass box|passengers = 24.670 million|pass_year = 2009-2010|pass_percent = 0.12}} {{Rail pass box|passengers = 25.187 million|pass_year = 2010-2011|pass_percent = 2.09}}
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Time period of passenger statistic (first era)era1_pass_year

The time interval for which the value specified in 'era1_passengers' applies.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Number of passengers (first era)era1_passengers

The number of passengers served in the time period specified in 'era1_pass_year'.

Ví dụ
5.1 million
Nội dungtùy chọn
Percentage change of passenger statistic (first era)era1_pass_percent

The percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the period specified in 'era1_pass_year' compared to the previous time period, if applicable.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
System used for passenger statistic (first era)era1_pass_system

The system used when obtaining the value in 'era1_passengers'. May be wikilinked.

Nội dungtùy chọn
Map (first era)era1_map

A map of the system during the first era. This could be one generated from {{routemap}}, or could be an image file (if this is the case, wiki syntax is required).

Ví dụ
[[File:Brussel 2009.png|center|275px|alt=Brussels tramway network, 2009.]]
Nội dungkhuyên dùng
Default state of map (first era)era1_map_state

The initial state of the map, if specified, when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàikhuyên dùng
Website (first era)era1_website

External link to the first-era tram or trolleybus system's website, without the enclosing square brackets.

Ví dụ
http://www.dekusttram.be/ De Kusttram
URLkhuyên dùng
Name of second eraera2_name

Name of the second era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Horsecar|Horse tram]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Start year of second eraera2_start_year

The year when the second era began. Consider using {{start date}}.

Ví dụ
{{start date|1884}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
End year of second eraera2_end_year

The year when the second era ended. Consider using {{end date}}.

Ví dụ
{{end date|1923}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default section state (second era)era2_state

The initial state of the second era section when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Broader system (second era)era2_system

A larger system the network is/was part of in the second era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Public Transport Victoria]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Status (second era)era2_status

The current state of the second-era tram or trolleybus system.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Lines (second era)era2_lines

The number of lines or a list of lines in the system during the second era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|Line 1|Line 2|Line 3}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Routes (second era)era2_routes

The number of routes or a list of routes in the system during the second era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Nội dunglỗi thời
Owner(s) (second era)era2_owner era2_owners

The owner(s) of the system during the second era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
[[De Lijn]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Operator(s) (second era)era2_operator era2_operators

The operator(s) of the system during the second era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[London United Tramways]] (1931–1933)|[[London Passenger Transport Board]] (1933–1947)|[[London Transport Executive]] (1947–1962)}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Track gauge (second era)era2_gauge

The track gauge used by the tram system during the second era. Consider using {{track gauge}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
{{track gauge|1435 mm}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Minimum curve radius (second era)era2_min_curve_radius era2_minimum_radius_of_curvature

The minimum curve radius used by the tram system during the second era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Propulsion system(s) (second era)era2_propulsion_system era2_propulsion_systems

The system(s) used for moving trams, such as horses, cables, steam, diesel and/or electricity, during the second era. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Electrification system (second era)era2_electrification era2_el

The electrification system during the second era if the propulsion system is electric (always the case for trolleybuses). If the power source is the mains, specify the voltage, current type (direct or alternating) and delivery method. If the power source is from a battery, just state 'battery'. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
600 [[Volt|V]] [[Direct current|DC]] [[overhead line|overhead]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Depot(s) (second era)era2_depot era2_depots

The number of depots or a list of depots in the system during the second era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[Adinkerke]]|[[De Panne]]|[[Nieuwpoortsesteenweg]]|[[Oostende]]|[[Knokke-Heist]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Rolling stock or fleet (second era)era2_stock

The vehicle(s) used for services in the system during the second era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|16 [[Bombardier Transportation|Bombardier]] [[Flexity 2 (Blackpool)|Flexity 2]]|15 [[English Electric]] [[English Electric Balloon tram|Balloon]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of single track (second era)era2_single_track_length

Length of single track in the system during the second era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of double track (second era)era2_double_track_length

Length of double track in the system during the second era, counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total track length (second era)era2_total_track_length

Total length of track in the system during the second era, including service tracks such as loops and sidings. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total route length (second era)era2_route_length

Total length of track in the system, excluding any service tracks, during the second era. Overlapping sections are counted once. Consider using {{convert}}.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Number of stops (second era)era2_stops

The total number of stops in the system during the second era.

Ví dụ
Sốtùy chọn
Passenger statistics (second era)era2_mpassengers

Passenger statistics over multiple periods of time during the second era. Designed for use with {{rail pass box}}.

Ví dụ
{{Rail pass box|passengers = 24.670 million|pass_year = 2009-2010|pass_percent = 0.12}} {{Rail pass box|passengers = 25.187 million|pass_year = 2010-2011|pass_percent = 2.09}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Time period of passenger statistic (second era)era2_pass_year

The time interval for which the value specified in 'era2_passengers' applies.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Number of passengers (second era)era2_passengers

The number of passengers served in the time period specified in 'era2_pass_year'.

Ví dụ
5.1 million
Nội dungtùy chọn
Percentage change of passenger statistic (second era)era2_pass_percent

The percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the period specified in 'era2_pass_year' compared to the previous time period, if applicable.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
System used for passenger statistic (second era)era2_pass_system

The system used when obtaining the value in 'era2_passengers'. May be wikilinked.

Nội dungtùy chọn
Map (second era)era2_map

A map of the system during the second era. This could be one generated from {{routemap}}, or could be an image file (if this is the case, wiki syntax is required).

Ví dụ
[[File:Brussel 2009.png|center|275px|alt=Brussels tramway network, 2009.]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default state of map (second era)era2_map_state

The initial state of the map, if specified, when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Website (second era)era2_website

External link to the second-era tram or trolleybus system's website, without the enclosing square brackets.

Ví dụ
http://www.dekusttram.be/ De Kusttram
URLtùy chọn
Name of third eraera3_name

Name of the third era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Horsecar|Horse tram]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Start year of third eraera3_start_year

The year when the third era began. Consider using {{start date}}.

Ví dụ
{{start date|1884}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
End year of third eraera3_end_year

The year when the third era ended. Consider using {{end date}}.

Ví dụ
{{end date|1923}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default section state (third era)era3_state

The initial state of the third era section when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Broader system (third era)era3_system

A larger system the network is/was part of in the third era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Public Transport Victoria]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Status (third era)era3_status

The current state of the third-era tram or trolleybus system.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Lines (third era)era3_lines

The number of lines or a list of lines in the system during the third era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|Line 1|Line 2|Line 3}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Routes (third era)era3_routes

The number of routes or a list of routes in the system during the third era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Nội dunglỗi thời
Owner(s) (third era)era3_owner era3_owners

The owner(s) of the system during the third era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
[[De Lijn]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Operator(s) (third era)era3_operator era3_operators

The operator(s) of the system during the third era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[London United Tramways]] (1931–1933)|[[London Passenger Transport Board]] (1933–1947)|[[London Transport Executive]] (1947–1962)}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Track gauge (third era)era3_gauge

The track gauge used by the tram system during the third era. Consider using {{track gauge}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
{{track gauge|1435 mm}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Minimum curve radius (third era)era3_min_curve_radius era3_minimum_radius_of_curvature

The minimum curve radius used by the tram system during the third era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Propulsion system(s) (third era)era3_propulsion_system era3_propulsion_systems

The system(s) used for moving trams, such as horses, cables, steam, diesel and/or electricity, during the third era. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Electrification system (third era)era3_electrification era3_el

The electrification system during the third era if the propulsion system is electric (always the case for trolleybuses). If the power source is the mains, specify the voltage, current type (direct or alternating) and delivery method. If the power source is from a battery, just state 'battery'. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
600 [[Volt|V]] [[Direct current|DC]] [[overhead line|overhead]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Depot(s) (third era)era3_depot era3_depots

The number of depots or a list of depots in the system during the third era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[Adinkerke]]|[[De Panne]]|[[Nieuwpoortsesteenweg]]|[[Oostende]]|[[Knokke-Heist]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Rolling stock or fleet (third era)era3_stock

The vehicle(s) used for services in the system during the third era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|16 [[Bombardier Transportation|Bombardier]] [[Flexity 2 (Blackpool)|Flexity 2]]|15 [[English Electric]] [[English Electric Balloon tram|Balloon]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of single track (third era)era3_single_track_length

Length of single track in the system during the third era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of double track (third era)era3_double_track_length

Length of double track in the system during the third era, counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total track length (third era)era3_total_track_length

Total length of track in the system during the third era, including service tracks such as loops and sidings. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total route length (third era)era3_route_length

Total length of track in the system, excluding any service tracks, during the third era. Overlapping sections are counted once. Consider using {{convert}}.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Number of stops (third era)era3_stops

The total number of stops in the system during the third era.

Ví dụ
Sốtùy chọn
Passenger statistics (third era)era3_mpassengers

Passenger statistics over multiple periods of time during the third era. Designed for use with {{rail pass box}}.

Ví dụ
{{Rail pass box|passengers = 24.670 million|pass_year = 2009-2010|pass_percent = 0.12}} {{Rail pass box|passengers = 25.187 million|pass_year = 2010-2011|pass_percent = 2.09}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Time period of passenger statistic (third era)era3_pass_year

The time interval for which the value specified in 'era3_passengers' applies.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Number of passengers (third era)era3_passengers

The number of passengers served in the time period specified in 'era3_pass_year'.

Ví dụ
5.1 million
Nội dungtùy chọn
Percentage change of passenger statistic (third era)era3_pass_percent

The percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the period specified in 'era3_pass_year' compared to the previous time period, if applicable.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
System used for passenger statistic (third era)era3_pass_system

The system used when obtaining the value in 'era3_passengers'. May be wikilinked.

Nội dungtùy chọn
Map (third era)era3_map

A map of the system during the third era. This could be one generated from {{routemap}}, or could be an image file (if this is the case, wiki syntax is required).

Ví dụ
[[File:Brussel 2009.png|center|275px|alt=Brussels tramway network, 2009.]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default state of map (third era)era3_map_state

The initial state of the map, if specified, when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Website (third era)era3_website

External link to the third-era tram or trolleybus system's website, without the enclosing square brackets.

Ví dụ
http://www.dekusttram.be/ De Kusttram
URLtùy chọn
Name of fourth eraera4_name

Name of the fourth era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Horsecar|Horse tram]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Start year of fourth eraera4_start_year

The year when the fourth era began. Consider using {{start date}}.

Ví dụ
{{start date|1884}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
End year of fourth eraera4_end_year

The year when the fourth era ended. Consider using {{end date}}.

Ví dụ
{{end date|1923}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default section state (fourth era)era4_state

The initial state of the fourth era section when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Broader system (fourth era)era4_system

A larger system the network is/was part of in the fourth era. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
[[Public Transport Victoria]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Status (fourth era)era4_status

The current state of the fourth-era tram or trolleybus system.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Lines (fourth era)era4_lines

The number of lines or a list of lines in the system during the fourth era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|Line 1|Line 2|Line 3}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Routes (fourth era)era4_routes

The number of routes or a list of routes in the system during the fourth era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Nội dunglỗi thời
Owner(s) (fourth era)era4_owner era4_owners

The owner(s) of the system during the fourth era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
[[De Lijn]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Operator(s) (fourth era)era4_operator era4_operators

The operator(s) of the system during the fourth era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[London United Tramways]] (1931–1933)|[[London Passenger Transport Board]] (1933–1947)|[[London Transport Executive]] (1947–1962)}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Track gauge (fourth era)era4_gauge

The track gauge used by the tram system during the fourth era. Consider using {{track gauge}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
{{track gauge|1435 mm}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Minimum curve radius (fourth era)era4_min_curve_radius era4_minimum_radius_of_curvature

The minimum curve radius used by the tram system during the fourth era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Propulsion system(s) (fourth era)era4_propulsion_system era4_propulsion_systems

The system(s) used for moving trams, such as horses, cables, steam, diesel and/or electricity, during the fourth era. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Electrification system (fourth era)era4_electrification era4_el

The electrification system during the fourth era if the propulsion system is electric (always the case for trolleybuses). If the power source is the mains, specify the voltage, current type (direct or alternating) and delivery method. If the power source is from a battery, just state 'battery'. May be wikilinked.

Ví dụ
600 [[Volt|V]] [[Direct current|DC]] [[overhead line|overhead]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Depot(s) (fourth era)era4_depot era4_depots

The number of depots or a list of depots in the system during the fourth era. If using a list, the use of {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} is recommended (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{Unbulleted list|[[Adinkerke]]|[[De Panne]]|[[Nieuwpoortsesteenweg]]|[[Oostende]]|[[Knokke-Heist]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Rolling stock or fleet (fourth era)era4_stock

The vehicle(s) used for services in the system during the fourth era. Use {{plainlist}} or {{unbulleted list}} if multiple (see [[MOS:PLIST]]).

Ví dụ
{{unbulleted list|16 [[Bombardier Transportation|Bombardier]] [[Flexity 2 (Blackpool)|Flexity 2]]|15 [[English Electric]] [[English Electric Balloon tram|Balloon]]}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of single track (fourth era)era4_single_track_length

Length of single track in the system during the fourth era. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Length of double track (fourth era)era4_double_track_length

Length of double track in the system during the fourth era, counted once. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total track length (fourth era)era4_total_track_length

Total length of track in the system during the fourth era, including service tracks such as loops and sidings. Consider using {{convert}}. Not applicable to trolleybuses.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Total route length (fourth era)era4_route_length

Total length of track in the system, excluding any service tracks, during the fourth era. Overlapping sections are counted once. Consider using {{convert}}.

Ví dụ
Nội dungtùy chọn
Number of stops (fourth era)era4_stops

The total number of stops in the system during the fourth era.

Ví dụ
Sốtùy chọn
Passenger statistics (fourth era)era4_mpassengers

Passenger statistics over multiple periods of time during the fourth era. Designed for use with {{rail pass box}}.

Ví dụ
{{Rail pass box|passengers = 24.670 million|pass_year = 2009-2010|pass_percent = 0.12}} {{Rail pass box|passengers = 25.187 million|pass_year = 2010-2011|pass_percent = 2.09}}
Nội dungtùy chọn
Time period of passenger statistic (fourth era)era4_pass_year

The time interval for which the value specified in 'era4_passengers' applies.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Number of passengers (fourth era)era4_passengers

The number of passengers served in the time period specified in 'era4_pass_year'.

Ví dụ
5.1 million
Nội dungtùy chọn
Percentage change of passenger statistic (fourth era)era4_pass_percent

The percentage increase or decrease in passengers for the period specified in 'era4_pass_year' compared to the previous time period, if applicable.

Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
System used for passenger statistic (fourth era)era4_pass_system

The system used when obtaining the value in 'era4_passengers'. May be wikilinked.

Nội dungtùy chọn
Map (fourth era)era4_map

A map of the system during the fourth era. This could be one generated from {{routemap}}, or could be an image file (if this is the case, wiki syntax is required).

Ví dụ
[[File:Brussel 2009.png|center|275px|alt=Brussels tramway network, 2009.]]
Nội dungtùy chọn
Default state of map (fourth era)era4_map_state

The initial state of the map, if specified, when the page is loaded. Use 'show' to expand and 'collapsed' to collapse.

Mặc định
Ví dụ
Chuỗi dàitùy chọn
Website (fourth era)era4_website

External link to the fourth-era tram or trolleybus system's website, without the enclosing square brackets.

Ví dụ
http://www.dekusttram.be/ De Kusttram
URLtùy chọn