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Bản mẫu:Infobox concentration camp/doc

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Cách sử dụng

[sửa mã nguồn]
{{Infobox concentration camp
| type         = <!-- Infobox subheader text, defaults to "Concentration camp" -->
| name         = 
| image        = 
| image size   = 
| caption      = 
| alt          = 
| location map = 
| map alt      = 
| map caption  = 
| latd = | latm = | lats = | latNS = 
| longd= | longm= | longs= | longEW= 
| coordinates type    = type:landmark
| coordinates display = inline,title
| other names  = 
| known for    = 
| location     = 
| built by     = 
| operated by  = 
| commandant   = 
| original use = 
| construction = 
| in operation = 
| gas chambers = 
| prisoner type= 
| inmates      = 
| killed       = 
| liberated by = 
| notable inmates = 
| notable books   = 
| website      = 
| box width    = 
Concentration camp
The entrance to Auschwitz I. The now notorious motto over the gate, "Arbeit macht frei", translates as "Work makes you free."
Infobox concentration camp/doc trên bản đồ Ba Lan
Infobox concentration camp/doc
Location of Auschwitz in Poland
Tọa độ50°02′9″B 19°10′42″Đ / 50,03583°B 19,17833°Đ / 50.03583; 19.17833
Vị tríOświęcim, German-occupied Poland
Thời gian hoạt động1940–1945
Số tù nhân bị giết1.1 million
Trang webMuseum website
{{Infobox concentration camp
| name         = Auschwitz
| image        =Arbeit_macht_frei_sign,_main_gate_of_the_Auschwitz_I_concentration_camp,_Poland_-_20051127.jpg
| image size   = 
| caption      = The entrance to Auschwitz I. The now notorious motto over the gate, "[[Arbeit macht frei]]", translates as "Work makes you free."
| alt          = 
| location map = Poland
| map alt      = 
| map caption  = Location of Auschwitz in Poland
| latd = 50| latm = 02| lats = 09| latNS = N
| longd= 19| longm= 10| longs= 42| longEW= E
| coordinates type    = region:PL-MA_type:landmark
| coordinates display = 
| other names  = 
| known for    = 
| location     = [[Oświęcim]], German-occupied Poland
| built by     = 
| operated by  = 
| original use = 
| construction = 
| in operation = 1940–1945
| gas chambers = 
| prisoner type= 
| inmates      = 
| killed       = 1.1 million
| liberated by = 
| notable inmates = 
| notable books   = 
| website      = [http://en.auschwitz.org.pl/m/ Museum website]
| box width    = 