Bản mẫu:Infobox character encoding
Infobox template for character encodings, character sets, code pages et cetera.
While the difference between a coded character set and a character encoding is clear in a Unicode context (UTF-8 and UTF-16 are different encodings for the same set), the difference is often blurred immensely by legacy encodings. For example, so-called "WinLatin-1" is a de facto extension of the "Latin-1" (ISO 8859-1) encoding, whereas so-called "DOS Latin-1" is an alternative, incompatible encoding (or transformation format) of the ISO 8859-1 charset. Both add their own extensions, meaning that their own charsets, taken as wholes, have their own unique identities as well. For this reason, the same infobox template is used for both.
Sử dụng
[sửa mã nguồn]See below for documentation of individual parameters. It is usually neither appropriate nor necessary to specify all of them.
{{infobox character encoding | name = | image = | caption = | mime = | kermit = | alias = | lang = | by = | standard = | definitions = | status = | classification = | extends = | basedon = | extensions = | encodings = | encodes = | prev = | next = | otherrelated = | extra = }}
Tài liệu bản mẫu
[sửa mã nguồn]Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho Infobox character encoding
An infobox for a format comprising a coded character set and/or a character encoding.
Tham số | Miêu tả | Kiểu | Trạng thái | |
Name | name | Common, preferably unique, name of character encoding (displayed as title of infobox). Not necessarily a valid label. | Chuỗi dài | bắt buộc |
Image | image | Image (such as a single byte character grid, multiple byte layout chart or a logo of the set) | Tập tin | tùy chọn |
Image Caption | caption | Caption for the image | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
MIME / IANA | mime | A label of the encoding to be used in MIME types. Should be an IANA-approved label for the specific encoding in question; favour the Preferred MIME Name if one is available. Set |_nomimecode= to disable the default <code>...</code> formatting. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Kermit | kermit | A label of the encoding used in Kermit. As MIME names are currently accepted by Kermit, this is not necessarily useful to note, but may be if the label is in extensive use or if there is no MIME name for the encoding. Set |_nokermitcode= to disable the default <code>...</code> formatting. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Alias(es) | alias | Other names and labels of the character encoding | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Language(s) | lang | The language or languages which the character encoding is used for or, more broadly, supports. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Created by | by | Individual or organisation who created the encoding | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Standard | standard | If the format is part of a standard or standards, list it/them here. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Definitions | definitions | Defining documents or reference implementations which don't constitute a standard. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Current status | status | Usage status of the character encoding | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Classification | classification | Classification of the charset or encoding, e.g. series it may be part of (e.g. ISO 8859), general categories (e.g. Extended ASCII), higher level encoding it might be built for (ISO 2022), et cetera. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Extends | extends | Encodings which it is an extended version or superset of (but which it may or may not be a clear successor of). | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Based on | basedon | Encodings which it is a modification of but NOT (either in theory or practice) a superset of. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Extensions | extensions | Noteworthy extended versions of the charset or encoding (but which may or may not be regarded as clear successors). | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Transforms / Encodes | encodes | Repertoire or charset which is a subset (or equal set) of this encoding's repertoire. Whilst this may be something which is both a charset and an encoding, it should not be an encoding solely encoding a charset with its own clear identity (e.g. 'ISO 8859-1', 'Unicode' are both appropriate values but 'UTF-8' is not). If it is an encoding which is a subset of the encoding itself, it goes in the Extends field. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Encoding formats | encodings | Encoding or transformation formats for the charset. These are usually listed if the charset either doesn't define an encoding format itself, or defines more than one (e.g. Unicode), or one which is not consistently used. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Preceded by | prev | Encoding/charset/format which it superseded in some context. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Succeeded by | next | Encoding/charset/format which it was superseded by in some context. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Other related encodings | otherrelated | Any other encodings which are worth of note as being related, but neither a predecessor, nor a successor, nor a subset. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |
Extra markup | extra | Something to leave at the bottom of the infobox, below the information. For example, a {{notelist}} invocation. | Chuỗi dài | tùy chọn |