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Bản mẫu:Gutenberg author/doc

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

This is a template to generate links to Dự án Gutenberg authors. This template should be used exclusively for AUTHORS, ILLUSTRATORS, TRANSLATORS, and persons with similar roles in book production. To link directly to a BOOK, use Bản mẫu:Gutenberg book.

The template can be used two ways, with id = to name or number

  • id = name
{{Gutenberg author | id=James,+Henry+(1843-1916) |name=Henry James}}
produces this URL
displayed like this
Các tác phẩm của Henry James tại Dự án Gutenberg
  • id = number
{{Gutenberg author | id=113 |name=Henry James}}
produces this URL
displayed like this
Các tác phẩm của Henry James tại Dự án Gutenberg
  • 'id = name' will go to an author search result page.
  • 'id = number' will skip the author search result page and go direct to the author page. This is preferable.

Tiến hành

[sửa mã nguồn]
  1. Go to the Project Gutenberg web site.
  2. Using the online catalog, search for the author you want to link via the template.
  3. Find the author listing, such as: Harrison, James A. (James Albert) (1848-1911)
  4. Edit the Wikipedia page and add in the Gutenberg author template.
  5. You now have two choices: The 'id' can be either the author name, or the author number. By using the name it will go to a search results page. By using the number it will go direct to the author page. The later is preferred, unless the author has works spread across multiple authors (such as an illustrator or translator).
  6. If using author name, set the 'id' variable equal to the author's name in this format: Lastname,+Firstname or however the name appears in the Gutenberg website, usually lastname followed by comma and then the rest of the name. The plus "+" are required; if spaces are used, the URL won't work. Although it's possible to use a bare template with no ID parameter since it will default to the article title, this is not recommended as articles on Wikipedia are continually renamed for disambiguation purposes and it's safer to lock in the desired ID.
  7. If using the author number, set the 'id' to the number Gutenberg uses for that author. The number can be found by clicking through to the author page which will have a URL like http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/113
  8. You may also set the 'name' variable in the template to equal the author's name how you wish it to appear, such as: James A. Harrison or James Albert Harrison. The 'name' is for Wikipedia display purposes only.
  9. Dates in the ID should be avoided unless needed to narrow the search results. This is because the dates in the Gutenberg database may be incorrect and will change in the future thus potentially breaking the URL. Nevertheless, it's better to add the dates if they are needed to narrow search results. Even better, find the author ID and use that instead.

Các ví dụ khi id là một tên

[sửa mã nguồn]
{{Gutenberg author | id=Swift,+Jonathan}}
kết quả:
Các tác phẩm của Jonathan Swift tại Dự án Gutenberg
{{Gutenberg author | id=James,+Henry+(1843-1916)}}
kết quả:
Các tác phẩm của Henry James tại Dự án Gutenberg
This shows how dates are used to narrow results of a common name.
{{Gutenberg author | id=Adams,+Ephraim+Douglass}}
kết quả:
Các tác phẩm của Ephraim Douglass Adams tại Dự án Gutenberg
This demonstrates a 3-word name.
{{Gutenberg author | id=Woodhead,+G.+Sims,+(German+Sims),+Sir
kết quả:
Các tác phẩm của German Sims Woodhead tại Dự án Gutenberg
This demonstrates a complex name (use of "Sir"). Other complex names include royalty. The only way to know how its structured is by looking at the Gutenberg database first.
{{Gutenberg author | id=Thomas,+Edward}}
kết quả:
Các tác phẩm của Edward Thomas tại Dự án Gutenberg
This demonstrates how a common name can match multiple people. To narrow the results add the dates:
{{Gutenberg author | id=Thomas,+Edward+(1878-1917)}}
kết quả
Các tác phẩm của Edward Thomas tại Dự án Gutenberg
Unfortunately sometimes the birth-death dates on Wikipedia don't exactly match those on Gutenberg.

Note: A partial name, such as {{gutenberg author | id=Jon | name=Jon}} will generate a list of all authors with "Jon" anywhere in the name.