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Chép một trong các loại tiêu bản bên dưới vào bài viết, và thêm các dữ liệu vào từng mục. Nếu chỗ nào không có dữ liệu cứ để trống vì nó không ảnh hưởng đến các thông tin khác.

Chú ý:

  • Không xóa đi các đề mục/trường dữ liệu không có dữ liệu, nếu không có dữ liệu thì nó sẽ không hiển thị. Bạn có thể xóa một số tiêu bản phụ (section) nếu không cần chúng (xem extra sections/fields).

Tiêu bản:chembox new[sửa mã nguồn]

Tiêu bản này được thiết kế gồm nhiều modul hay nhiều tiểu mục, tùy theo hợp chất mà các tiểu mục này có thể bỏ đi hoặc thêm vào

Dạng thu gọn[sửa mã nguồn]

Chép đoạn mã sau vào bài viết:

| ImageFile = 
| ImageSize = 
| IUPACName = 
| OtherNames = 
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers
| CASNo = 
| PubChem = 
| SMILES = }}
| Section2 = {{Chembox Properties
| Formula = 
| MolarMass = 
| Appearance = 
| Density = 
| MeltingPt = 
| BoilingPt = 
| Solubility = }}
| Section3 = {{Chembox Hazards
| MainHazards = 
| FlashPt = 
| Autoignition = }}

Dạng đầy đủ[sửa mã nguồn]

Chép đoạn mã bên trái vào bài viết

| Name = 
| ImageFile = 
|   ImageSize = 
|   ImageName = 
| ImageFile1 =
|   ImageSize1 = 
|   ImageName1 = 
| ImageFile2 =
|   ImageSize2 = 
|   ImageName2 = 
| ImageFile3 =
|   ImageSize3 = 
|   ImageName3 = 
| ImageFileL1 =
|   ImageSizeL1 = 
|   ImageNameL1 = 
| ImageFileR1 =
|   ImageSizeR1 = 
|   ImageNameR1 = 
| ImageFileL2 =
|   ImageSizeL2 = 
|   ImageNameL2 = 
| ImageFileR2 =
|   ImageSizeR2 = 
|   ImageNameR2 = 
| IUPACName = 
|   SystematicName = 
|   OtherNames = 
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers
|   Abbreviations = 
|   CASNo = 
|    CASNo_Ref =
|   CASNos =
|   CASOther =
|   PubChem = 
|   EINECS = 
|   EC-number =
|   UNNumber =
|   DrugBank =
|   KEGG =
|   MeSHName =
|   ChEBI =
|   RTECS = 
|   ATCvet = 
|   ATCCode_prefix = 
|   ATCCode_suffix = 
|   ATC_Supplemental =
|   SMILES = 
|   InChI = 
|   Beilstein =
|   Gmelin =
|   ChemSpiderID =
|   3DMet =
| Section2 = {{Chembox Properties
|   Formula = 
|   MolarMass = 
|   Appearance = 
|   Density = 
|   MeltingPt = 
|   Melting_notes = 
|   BoilingPt = 
|   Boiling_notes = 
|   Solubility = 
|   SolubleOther = 
|    Solvent = 
|   LogP = 
|   VaporPressure = 
|   HenryConstant = 
|   AtmosphericOHRateConstant = 
|   pKa = 
|   pKb = 
| Section3 = {{Chembox Structure
| CrystalStruct = 
| Coordination = 
| MolShape = }}
| Section4 = {{Chembox Thermochemistry
| DeltaHf = 
| DeltaHc = 
| Entropy = 
| HeatCapacity = }}
| Section5 = {{Chembox Pharmacology
| AdminRoutes = 
| Bioavail = 
| Metabolism = 
| HalfLife = 
| ProteinBound =
| Excretion = 
| Legal_status = 
| Legal_US = 
| Legal_UK = 
| Legal_AU = 
| Legal_CA = 
| PregCat = 
| PregCat_AU = 
| PregCat_US = }}
| Section6 = {{Chembox Explosive
| ShockSens = 
| FrictionSens = 
| ExplosiveV = 
| REFactor = }}
| Section7 = {{Chembox Hazards
|   ExternalMSDS = 
|   EUClass = 
|   EUIndex = 
|   MainHazards = 
|   NFPA-H = 
|   NFPA-F = 
|   NFPA-R = 
|   NFPA-O = 
|   RPhrases = 
|   SPhrases = 
|   RSPhrases = 
|   FlashPt = 
|   Autoignition = 
|   ExploLimits = 
|   LD50 =
|   PEL = 
| Section8 = {{Chembox Related
|   OtherAnions = 
|   OtherCations = 
|   OtherFunctn = 
|    Function = 
|   OtherCpds = 
Template name
* title (default: article name)
* filename.svg (not [[image:filename.svg]]
* picture size (example: ImageSize=100px, default=200px)
* the IUPAC name
* the systematic name
* any other name
Section Identifiers: Standard numbers etc.
* any abbreviations
* CAS Number, links to eMolecules
* EINECS, links to ecb; URL is http://ecb.jrc.it/esis/index.php?GENRE=ECNO&ENTREE=
* also EINECS, but URL is http://ecb.jrc.it/esis/index.php?GENRE=CASNO&ENTREE=
* PubChem, links to pubchem
* SMILES, no link
* InChI, no link
* RTECS, no link
* Medical Subject Headings, links to NIH
* ChEBI, links to EBI
* KEGG, links to genome.ad.jp
* ATCvet=yes if the next two parameters define an ATCvet code
* ATCCode prefix (first three characters, 
     omit the leading Q for ATCvet codes), internal link
* ATCCode suffix (last 4 characters), full ATC links to WHO C.C.
* Other ATC codes (use the {{ATC}} and/or {{ATCvet}} templates)
Section Properties: Physical properties
* the molecular formula
* molecular weight, including unit
* Its appearance
* Density, including unit.
* Melting Point, including unit.
* Notes on melting point.
* Boiling Point, including unit.
* Notes on boiling point.
* Solubility in water
* Solubility in other solvents, goes together with next
* In which solvent it is soluble
* Partition coefficient
* Vapor pressure
* Henry's law constant (kH)
* Atmospheric OH rate constant
* pKa
* pKb
Section Structure: Crystal structure information
* Crystal Structure
* Coordination
* Molecular Shape
Section Thermochemistry: Thermochemical properties
* Delta Hf
* Delta Hc
* Entropy
* Heat Capacity
Section Pharmacology: Pharmacology/drug data
* Admin Routes
* Bioavailability
* Metabolism
* Half Life
* Protein Bound
* Excretion
* Legal status
* Legal status in US
* Legal status in UK
* Legal status in AU
* Legal status in CA
* Pregnacy Category
* Pregnacy Category in US
* Pregnacy Category in AU
Section Explosive: Explosive properties
* Shock Sensitivity
* Friction Sensitivity
* Explosive speed
* RE Factor
Section Hazards: Hazards
* URL for [[Material Safety Data Sheet
* EU Class
* EU Index
* Main Hazards
* NFPA-H: Health
* NFPA-F: Fire
* NFPA-R: Reactivity
* NFPA-O: one of the values W, OX, COR, ALK, ACID, CRYO, RA, or empty
* RPhrases: use the {{R}} template for this
* SPhrases: use the {{S}} template for this
* RSPhrases: or use the combination of the two above
* Flash Point
* Autoignition
* Explosion Limits
* LD50
Section Related: Related compounds etc.
* Other Anions
* Other Cations
* Other Function: works with the next field
* Function: the function
* Other Compounds: chemical 'see also' section

Dạng vừa phải[sửa mã nguồn]

Chép đoạn mã bên trái vào bài viết:

| ImageFile = 
| ImageSize = 
| IUPACName = 
| OtherNames = 
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers
| Abbreviations = 
| CASNo = 
| PubChem = 
| InChI = 
| MeSHName =
| ChEBI =
| KEGG = 
| ATCvet =
| ATCCode_prefix = 
| ATCCode_suffix = 
| ATC_Supplemental =}}
| Section2 = {{Chembox Properties
| Formula = 
| MolarMass =
| Appearance =
| Density = 
| MeltingPt = 
| Melting_notes =
| BoilingPt = 
| Boiling_notes = 
| Solubility = 
| SolubleOther = 
| Solvent = 
| pKa = 
| pKb = }}
| Section7 = {{Chembox Hazards
| ExternalMSDS = 
| EUClass = 
| EUIndex = 
| MainHazards = 
| NFPA-H = 
| NFPA-F = 
| NFPA-R = 
| NFPA-O =
| RPhrases = 
| SPhrases = 
| RSPhrases =
| FlashPt = 
| Autoignition = 
| ExploLimits = 
| PEL = }}
Template name
* filename.svg (not [[image:filename.svg]]
* picture size (example: ImageSize=100px, default=200px)
* the official name
* any other name
Section Identifiers: Standard numbers etc.
* any abbreviations
* CAS Number, links to eMolecules
* EINECS, links to ecb
* PubChem, links to pubchem
* SMILES, no link
* InChI, no link
* RTECS, no link
* Medical Subject Headings, links to NIH
* ChEBI, links to EBI
* KEGG, links to genome.ad.jp
* ATCvet=yes if the next two parameters define an ATCvet code
* ATCCode prefix (first three characters,
    omit the leading Q for ATCvet codes), internal link
* ATCCode suffix (last 4 characters), full ATC links to WHO C.C.
* Other ATC codes (use the {{ATC}} and/or {{ATCvet}} templates)
Section Properties: Physical properties
* the molecular formula
* molecular weight, including unit
* Its appearance
* Density, including unit.
* Melting Point, including unit.
* Notes on melting point.
* Boiling Point, including unit.
* Notes on boiling point.
* Solubility in water
* Solubility in other solvents, goes together with next
* In which solvent it is soluble
* pKa
* pKb
Section Hazards: Hazards
* URL for Material Safety Data Sheet
* EU Class
* EU Index
* Main Hazards
* NFPA-H: Health 
* NFPA-F: Fire
* NFPA-R: Reactivity
* NFPA-O: one of the values W, OX, COR, ALK, ACID, CRYO, RA, or empty
* RPhrases: use the {{R}} template for this
* SPhrases: use the {{S}} template for this
* RSPhrases: or use the combination of the two above
* Flash Point
* Autoignition
* Explosion Limits

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