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Bản mẫu:CWGC/doc

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

This template is used to provide links to casualty details in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database at http://www.cwgc.org.

  • id: (optional; will fetch ID from Wikidata if no value provided) the number found in the URL for the casualty (see "Examples" below)
  • name: (optional) the name of the casualty
  • access-date: (optional) the date the information was retrieved from the website
  • fewer-links: (optional) set |fewer-links=yes to disable wikilinks and prevent overlinking, i.e. if the template is used more than once in an article
  • mode: (optional) set |mode=cs2 to make the template compatible with Citation Style 2; defaults to Citation Style 1

The url for Wilfred Owen is http://www.cwgc.org/find-war-dead/casualty/336417/

Extract the 336417 and use this number for the |id= parameter, i.e.

{{CWGC|id=336417}}, which displays as

“Casualty Details”. Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Other examples using the optional parameters:

{{CWGC|id=336417|name=Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter}}, which displays as

“Casualty Details: Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter”. Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

{{CWGC|id=336417|name=Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter|access-date=7 tháng 3, 2025}}, which displays as

“Casualty Details: Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter”. Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Truy cập 7 tháng 3, 2025.

{{CWGC|id=336417|name=Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter|access-date=7 tháng 3, 2025|fewer-links=yes}}, which displays as

“Casualty Details: Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter”. Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Truy cập 7 tháng 3, 2025.

{{CWGC|id=336417|name=Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter|access-date=7 tháng 3, 2025|mode=cs2}}, which displays as

“Casualty Details: Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter”, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, truy cập 7 tháng 3, 2025

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