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Tập tin:Stingray Training Torpedo Firing MOD 45156539.jpg

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Miêu tả
English: A Stingray Training Variant Torpedo is fired from Type 23 frigate HMS Westminster during an exercise.

After spending much of her 7 month deployment in the Gulf and Indian Ocean region conducting maritime security operations in support of the UK's long standing commitment in the area, Royal Navy warship HMS Westminster took some time out to undertake valuable training.

During this training period, the ship undertook her keyrole training in the form of Anti Submarine Warfare and tested her torpedo firing skills. The TVT (training variant torpedo) as it is commonly known was fired to test the launching capabilities and also to test the sonar capablilites and training of the operators. Within minutes of the training finishing, HMS Westminster undertook a spot of gunnery training.

  • Organization: Royal Navy
  • Object Name: SC_MB140015004
  • Category: MOD
  • Supplemental Categories: Equipment, Ships, Frigates, Type 23, Weapons, Torpedoes
  • Keywords: Royal Navy, Equipment, Ship, Frigate, FFG, Type 23, Duke Class, HMS Westminster, Torpedo, Training Variant, Stingray, Firing
  • Country: Indian Ocean
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Tác giả LA(Phot) Dan Rosenbaum
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Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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