English: Timor: ISF troops landing on Timor beach
'Soldiers from the Australian Army walk from HMAS BALIKPAPAN during a beach landing in the Comoro district of Timor Leste' (May 2006) [Defence].
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Timor: ISF troops landing on Timor beach 'Soldiers from the Australian Army walk from HMAS BALIKPAPAN during a beach landing in the Comoro district of Timor Leste' (May 2006) [Defence].}} |Source =http://ww...
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Có 1 trang tại Wikipedia tiếng Việt có liên kết đến tập tin (không hiển thị trang ở các dự án khác):
Cleared for Transmission by: Brigadier Mick Slater
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Department of Defence
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Tiêu đề của hình
Photographer- LAC Rodney Welch.Caption:Soldiers from the Australian Army walk from HMAS BALIKPAPAN during a beach landing in the Comoro district of Timor Leste.Deep Caption:Operation Astute is the Australian Government's response to assist the Government of Timor Leste. The Joint Task Force aims to stabilise the security situation, facilitate the evacuation of Australian and other approved foreign nationals and create a secure environment for the conduct of a successful dialogue to resolve the current crisis.Approximately 2000 Australian Defence Force personnel are now either on the ground, in transit, or directly supporting the Australian Defence Force Response to the situation in Dili.The Operation includes components from the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force, working with other Australian Government agencies to assist the Government of Timor Leste to restore peace to the nation.