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Tập tin:Bosnia and Herzegovina Brigadier Insignia.svg

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Tập tin gốc (tập tin SVG, 648×827 điểm ảnh trên danh nghĩa, kích thước: 95 kB)

Miêu tả

Miêu tả
English: Brigadier insignia of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Oznaka čina brigadira u Oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine / Ознака чина бригадира у Оружаним снагама Босне и Херцеговине
Nguồn gốc Zakon o službi u Oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine (Service in Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina Law)
Tác giả Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phiên bản khác
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Bosnia and Herzegovina Brigadier Insignia.jpg (by Bachke).
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This insignia was created with CorelDRAW.
llink=Category:Qs icons SVGThis SVG insignia shows a very simple image. Drawing uncomplicated graphics with a text editor seems more adequate than using a vector graphics program, and will often result in a dramatic reduction of file size.

Giấy phép

Public domain
Public domain
This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of Copyright and Related Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2010 (details).
  1. Copyright protection shall not extend to:
    a) ideas, concepts, procedures, work methods, mathematical operations, principles or discoveries,
    b) official texts in the domain of legislation, administration and judiciary (laws, regulations, decisions, reports, minutes, judgments and alike),
    c) political speeches and speeches made at court hearings,
    d) daily news or miscellaneous information having the character of mere items of press information,
    e) folk literary and artistic creations.
  2. The translations of the texts and speeches referred to in items b) and c) of paragraph (1) of this Article shall be copyrighted, unless they are published as official texts.

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The description of the insignia is to be found in an official government document, the Zakon o službi u Oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine (Service in Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina Law, found here: http://mod.gov.ba/files/file/zakoni/Zakon-o-sluzbi-bs.pdf).

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hiện tại15:53, ngày 18 tháng 5 năm 2018Hình xem trước của phiên bản lúc 15:53, ngày 18 tháng 5 năm 2018648×827 (95 kB)SkjoldbroImproved
19:13, ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2014Hình xem trước của phiên bản lúc 19:13, ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2014651×828 (6 kB)Francis ChristianUser created page with UploadWizard
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